Opportunities offered by CBDCs

What can help you leverage the opportunities offered by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)?
Discover how Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) merge digital ease and regulated stability for greater efficiency, inclusivity and their role in enabling quicker transactions, lowering costs, and enhancing payment reliability.
According to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) survey in 2022, 93 percent of central banks are exploring CBDCs.
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Online Course


30 mins

Video duration




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With this online course, you will:
  • Understand the distinction between CBDCs and cryptocurrencies, including how CBDCs adopt certain technical features from the crypto world while serving different functions and realities.
  • Recognise the potential of CBDCs to serve as a catalyst for financial inclusion and how they can revolutionise payment systems by offering an efficient and programmable alternative to current monetary models.
  • Explore the practical applications of CBDCs in monetary policy, examining real-world cases where CBDCs have been implemented and their impact on economic strategies.
  • Analyse the coexistence of CBDCs and cryptocurrencies, understanding their individual and intersecting roles within the broader financial ecosystem and their implications for future monetary policies.
  • Gain insights into the ongoing evolution of CBDCs, keeping abreast of the latest developments and understanding the dynamic nature of central bank digital currencies as they continue to emerge and adapt in various countries.




Digital Literacy


Course Lessons

CBDCs and Financial Inclusion

Chapter 1 explores how CBDCs can enhance financial inclusion by providing essential financial services to those without traditional banking access, emphasising the role of transaction accounts as a gateway to broader economic participation. It acknowledges the complexity of achieving inclusion, noting that while CBDCs may address accessibility, they cannot solve the deeper issue of absolute lack of funds for the globally unbanked 1.7 billion people.

CBDCs and Monetary Policy

Chapter 2 discusses the role of CBDCs in monetary policy, highlighting their potential to enhance policy effectiveness by enabling actions below the effective lower bound and countering alternative payment methods like cryptocurrencies. It explains how CBDCs could be instrumental in both expansionary and contractionary monetary policies, aiming to stimulate growth or control inflation, respectively.

CBDCs and Privacy

Chapter 3 tackles the critical issue of privacy in the context of CBDCs, examining the balance between the need for transactional oversight to combat financial crime and the individual's right to privacy. It discusses the technological possibilities for privacy within CBDC systems and emphasises the importance of design choices in cryptographic techniques to maintain privacy without sacrificing the benefits of digital currencies.

CBDCs and Cryptocurrencies

Chapter 4 distinguishes between CBDCs and cryptocurrencies, emphasising their coexistence and different underlying principles: CBDCs are centralised digital forms of state currency aiming to enhance monetary policy and financial system efficiency, while cryptocurrencies are decentralised, often volatile investment assets that can also be used for payments.

Meet your instructor - Dr Oriol Caudevilla

Fintech and Blockchain Advisor, Influencer, Speaker and Host of “A Digital Tomorrow” Podcast

Dr Oriol is a very influential voice in the FinTech area, has advised many FinTech companies and with a very extensive network across the globe. He is passionate about the Future of Banking and Finance, and a strong believer in digital transformation and artificial intelligence quickly becoming the top priority for those not wanting to be left behind as well as the best tool to create a more inclusive financial system.

Graduated in Law (UAB), holding an MBA in Finance (IEB), a Diploma in Asian Finance (CUHK) Business School and a PhD in Hong Kong Real Estate Law and Economics (UAB). He regularly publishes articles in several media, such as China Daily (both the Global and Hong Kong Edition), Macau Business and Challenger Insider. Previously, he worked as a business analyst at a Hong Kong publicly listed company (Yuxing InfoTech Investment Holdings). Presently, he works as a Management Consultant at a legal tech company, AirHelp, acting as an advisor for a Hong Kong-based FinTech company, ixFintech, and conducting research on Blockchain Trade Finance at Qatar University.

Dr Oriol is a Current member of the Singapore Fintech Association (SFA) as well as FinTech Australia. He is a Former visiting fellow at the Asian Institute of International Financial Law (AIIFL, HKU), at the Centre for Chinese Law (CCL, HKU) and the Center for Financial Regulation and Economic Development (CFRED, CUHK).