Risk Management in Financial Services

What can help you strengthen your Risk Management? 
This course offers finance professionals and tech enthusiasts insights into how technology is transforming risk management, focusing on its effects on operational risk and regulatory compliance.
35% of risk executives view compliance, regulatory, and other operational risks as the top threats to company growth, while another 35% cite cyber risks as major concerns. (PwC)
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Online Course


30 mins

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With this online course, you will:
  • Understand what RiskTech is and its transformative role in financial institutions.
  • Identify the primary technologies that are shaping the future of risk management.
  • Recognize the key players in the RiskTech landscape.
  • Get familiar with the integration of RiskTech with legacy systems and the significant role of data management and analytics.
  • Understand the challenges and key success factors in implementing and adopting RiskTech.


Financial Risk Management

Operational Risk Management

Data Analytics

Regulatory Compliance

Course Lessons

Introduction to RiskTech

As the backbone of modern financial risk management, understand RiskTech's definition, significance, and the paradigm shift it's inducing in financial institutions. As digital threats evolve and regulatory landscapes shift, discover how RiskTech offers robust solutions to counter these challenges.

Applications of RiskTech in Financial Services

Delve deeper into the tangible applications of RiskTech. Unravel the cutting-edge technologies, from artificial intelligence to blockchain, that are setting new standards in risk management. Recognize the leaders and innovators who are both utilising and providing RiskTech solutions, ensuring that financial services remain resilient in a dynamic environment. Lastly, you will get a closer look at how RiskTech aligns with operational risk management, regulatory compliance, and the inevitable challenges of merging with legacy systems.

Adopting and Implementing RiskTech

Embarking on the RiskTech journey is not without its challenges. This chapter offers a roadmap, detailing the steps and considerations crucial for successful implementation. Get familiar with the challenges, from technological complexities to cultural resistance, that institutions might face. While technology introduces new tools and systems, the cultural shift often determines the success of their adoption.

Meet your instructor - Kevin Cousins

General Manager, FraudCheck

Kevin Cousins is a dynamic business leader with a comprehensive background spanning business conceptualisation, establishment, and management. His ability to turn innovative ideas into reality and manage them efficiently has been proven across various ventures. Kevin excels in transforming underperforming businesses into profitable ones and spurring growth in established entities, emphasizing business continuity and operational excellence.

His skills in business integration, positioning, and leveraging technology for automation, analytics, and intelligence highlight his strategic approach to optimizing processes and making data-driven decisions. Kevin's adeptness at scaling businesses, strategic planning, and deal structuring aligns with organisational goals. Additionally, his passion for business transformation and coaching demonstrates his commitment to empowering teams, driving remarkable outcomes and fostering growth, stability, and innovation.